Our Company

The world's leading solution provider in mobile communications

CICT Mobile Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

CICT Mobile Communication Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CICT Mobile") is a core enterprise of China Information and Communication Technology Group Co., Ltd., a large high-tech central enterprise.
CICT Mobile is a leading enterprise in independent innovation in the field of global mobile communication represented by 5G. It is an important contributor to the leading development of 5G technology, standards and industry, and the core driving force of the global 5G wireless mobile communication industry.
The company takes "the infinite communication engine of the Internet of Everything" as the enterprise development concept, advocates the core values of "innovation, market, integrity and responsibility", and is committed to providing leading mobile communication technology for global telecom operators and industry customers.

  • 5000 +
    Existing employees
  • 46 % +
    Proportion of R&D personnel
  • 30 +
    Provide communication services and supporting products for more than 10 regions around the world and more than 30 provinces in China
  • TOP 8
    in the world wide ETSI discloses the number of standard patents

We are with you.

  • Pioneer and innovate,Fulfilling the mission of central enterprises
    Work together to build a new highland of the digital economy
  • Fully empower 5G
    Build a digital ecological community together
  • Continue to create value
    and develop with shareholders
  • High-quality development
    to create happiness for employees

The development process

  • Carrying on the Mission(1998-2008)
  • Thriving(2009-2014)
  • Escalate(2015-2020)
  • A new voyage(2021-present)


Carrying on the Mission

  • In 1998, submitted a proposal for the TD-SCDMA standard on behalf of China and promoted it to become one of the three mainstream standards.
  • In 2002, Datang Mobile officially announced its listing, and TD-SCDMA ushered in the stage of industrialization.
  • Shoulder the mission
  • As the first batch of mainstream system equipment manufacturers, it undertakes the TD-SCDMA test network in Shanghai, Qingdao, Baoding and other places.
  • Work with SK Telecom of South Korea to build the first TD-SCDMA overseas experimental network
  • In 1998, Hongxin Communications was officially established to develop a mobile communication direct playback station and indoor coverage system.
  • Successfully opened the first indoor coverage system project in China
  • Successfully opened the first multi-signal subway coverage project in China, Shanghai Metro
  • Separate indoor and outdoor coverage is proposed for the first time.

Quality management

  • Quality concept

    Shape the quality of customer-centered, full participation and continuous improvement.
    Culture, promote comprehensive quality management
    Through target traction, problem orientation, closed-loop measures,
    Continuously improve the quality of products and services and pursue excellence, meet and surpass
  • Quality system

    ISO 9001 quality management system
    ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
    ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
    ISO 27001 Information Security Management System

Work together to start a new journey of digital China

Promote the development of China's mobile communication industry with independent innovative technology, improve the level of national information security, and fulfill the mission of central enterprises.
Take industrial development as your own responsibility, adhere to the open mind and "competitive" thinking, and jointly promote the development and growth of the industrial value chain.